Browsing Archive: June, 2011

Another try

Posted by Pippa Moss on Tuesday, June 21, 2011,
So I thought I'd re-visit my early attempt at creating a website and have changed the photo and added a PDF - wow. Except my husband says PDFs are very 1990s or something. Who cares - it was something I managed to do. Added my teenage poetry which is a personal story really of my thoughts and feelings during that interesting stage in life. It was pointed out to me when recently holidaying in Majorca when I said I was last here aged 18 (on 18-30 holiday!), that my 1 year-old is closer to 18 th...
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First ever website!

Posted by Pippa Moss on Thursday, June 9, 2011,
Well that's what comes of getting your brother to babysit, you come home after some beers, ask what he does at work and hey presto you end up setting up a website, free and quite quickly. Only now he's gone home and I can't work out how to do all the fancy things I planned to do - like hide web links under some neat text, that sort of basic stuff. Oh well, it's a start.
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About Me

I am a mother of two who has grand ambitions to use my creative talents to bring me wealth and fortune but in the meantime I have decided to post my poetry on my own website and may never tell anyone!


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